Shipping between
Ontario and PEI

Shipping between Ontario and Prince Edward Island (PEI) is an essential part of the Canadian logistics network, connecting the economic hub of Ontario with the smaller, yet vital, markets of PEI. Various types of shipments flow between these provinces, each playing a significant role in sustaining businesses and consumers alike. Here are some of the most common types of shipments between Ontario and Prince Edward Island:

1. Agricultural Products

  • PEI is renowned for its agriculture, particularly its potato farming. Shipments from PEI to Ontario often include:
    • Potatoes: PEI is one of the largest potato producers in Canada. Shipments to Ontario include fresh, processed, and seed potatoes.
    • Dairy Products: Dairy farming is another significant sector in PEI, with products like cheese and milk being transported to Ontario.
    • Seafood: PEI’s coastal waters provide a bounty of seafood, including lobsters, mussels, and oysters, which are shipped fresh or frozen to Ontario.

In return, Ontario supplies PEI with:

    • Agricultural Machinery: Tractors, plows, and other farming equipment are essential for PEI’s agricultural industry.
    • Fertilizers and Seeds: Ontario manufacturers and suppliers provide the necessary inputs for PEI farmers to maintain and grow their crops.

2. Manufactured Goods

  • Ontario’s robust manufacturing sector plays a key role in supplying various goods to PEI:
    • Automobiles and Parts: Ontario is the heart of Canada’s automotive industry, with vehicles and parts frequently shipped to PEI.
    • Consumer Electronics: Ontario-based electronics manufacturers and retailers send a wide range of consumer electronics, from televisions to smartphones, to PEI.

3. Retail and Consumer Goods

  • With PEI’s population and tourism, there is a steady demand for various retail and consumer goods, which are predominantly supplied from Ontario:
    • Clothing and Apparel: Retailers in PEI stock their shelves with clothing and apparel shipped from Ontario’s distribution centers.
    • Home Goods and Furnishings: From furniture to kitchen appliances, Ontario supplies many of the home goods found in PEI stores.

4. Building Materials

  • The construction and renovation sector in PEI relies heavily on materials shipped from Ontario:
    • Lumber and Wood Products: Ontario’s forestry products are essential for PEI’s construction industry.
    • Concrete and Steel: Structural materials for building projects are frequently transported from Ontario to PEI.

5. Pharmaceutical and Medical Supplies

  • Healthcare is a critical sector that relies on the shipment of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies from Ontario to PEI:
    • Medications: Ontario-based pharmaceutical companies supply a wide range of medications to healthcare facilities in PEI.
    • Medical Equipment: Hospitals and clinics in PEI receive essential medical equipment, such as diagnostic machines and surgical instruments, from Ontario suppliers.

6. Food and Beverages

  • Ontario’s diverse food and beverage industry ensures that PEI residents have access to a wide variety of products:
    • Packaged Foods: A range of packaged foods, including snacks, canned goods, and frozen meals, are shipped from Ontario to PEI.
    • Beverages: Non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, including those from Ontario’s renowned wineries and breweries, are popular shipments to PEI.


The shipment of goods between Ontario and Prince Edward Island is a lifeline that supports the economic vitality of both provinces. From agricultural products and manufactured goods to pharmaceuticals and consumer goods, this flow of goods ensures that both regions can thrive. Wood-Hall Logistics is proud to facilitate these essential shipments, contributing to the seamless integration of markets and the well-being of communities across Canada.

Looking to learn more about transportation? We are always open to answering any questions! Reach out to us today through [email protected] or give us a call at 519-213-1000!

Shipping Between Ontario and Prince Edward Island
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